If you haven't heard about Disney's newest animated hit, you should look into it. By look into it, I mean go to the movie, buy the soundtrack, and join the rest of the country in their obsession with this great movie. My friend Kaitlin, her sister Camille, and I actually went to the sing along version with some friends earlier last February. So fun!

Anyway, after my trip to Disney, where Frozen was beautifully portrayed on Cinderella's Castle one night during one of the magical performances put on by Magic Kingdom and belting out the "Let It Go" a thousand times, I decided to paint a canvas (and hopefully I can make some more this week!) inspired by Elsa's icy ballad.
Everything about the animation during "Let It Go" is amazing. I read that Elsa's ice castle required fifty different animators to create, and new software was created for the snow in the movie. It's truly beautiful. The castle is stunning, and so is Elsa's magic. I was so inspired by this sequence that I decided to start with hues from the ice queen herself. My painting began with a color called "Island Blue"- oh, the irony- for the light blue color of Elsa's new dress during the fabulous animation sequence in the song. I decided to add a rich cobalt blue to draw some drama into the painting; then brought my favorite element of Elsa's dress into play: those sparkles.
Next, I added more depth in the cobalt, connecting the contrast of the ice as the castle grows. I'm hoping for my next canvas I can paint the castle itself! I have been pinning Frozen pictures like crazy this week, and this is one of my favorites:
My final element to the paintint was a metallic silver accent to separate the white and the island blue, symbolizing the contrasting elements of the sparkling castle against the bright snow. The glitter is harder to see in the photo below because of the lighting, but it can be seen in the first photo of the canvas.
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